Know Your Business Verification Solutions

With our advanced KYB software and cutting-edge technology, you can streamline your business verification process, saving valuable time and resources. Our software offers access to extensive databases, automated document checks, and real-time monitoring, enabling you to make informed decisions while reducing the risk of fraud and financial loss.

KYB Solutions: Empowering Businesses to Make Informed Decisions

KYB (Know Your Business) solutions are specifically crafted to offer businesses in-depth knowledge about their clients, suppliers, and partners in Belgium. These advanced solutions empower businesses to conduct meticulous due diligence and evaluate the potential risks associated with their business associations.

Customer Risk Rating

Increase AML compliance by verifying the identities of business customers

Incorporating our KYB solutions into your account setup procedure is vital to ensure operational security and comply with regulatory requirements. Our comprehensive KYC platform offers a robust approach to validate business documents, minimizing the risk of engaging with entities involved in illicit activities such as money laundering and fraud.

By integrating our KYB solution, you can authenticate a wide range of business documents, including bank statements, incorporation papers, tax filings, credit bureau reports, and more.

  • Our automated business verification solution guarantees a seamless and accurate experience, delivering 100% matching results.
  • Streamlining the business verification process is crucial to achieve precision, efficiency, and protect customer data.
  • Our advanced technology is specifically designed to compare the provided information against trusted sources, ensuring a 100% match rate.
  • This streamlined verification process eliminates errors and provides the highest level of protection for customer data.
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Business Due diligence is a critical component of any successful business

When it comes to KYC in Belgium, meeting the regulatory requirement of identifying and verifying Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBOs) holds significant importance. In order to comply with AML regulations, companies must conduct comprehensive KYB due diligence, which involves the identification and verification of individuals who have ultimate ownership or control over a business.

There are multiple methods available for identifying and verifying UBOs. One approach involves gathering information directly from the company, including registration documents, company addresses, and licensing records. Another method involves conducting searches across public records, such as corporate registries and government databases.

  • To ensure compliance with KYB regulations and effectively mitigate global money laundering risks, it is essential to implement continuous monitoring processes and robust AML screening.
  • Integrating ongoing monitoring procedures seamlessly into your operations is achievable.
  • Our KYB software solution simplifies the process, enabling swift and efficient client onboarding.
  • With its extensive global coverage, you can confidently establish and nurture business relationships with clients from various parts of the world.
solutions industries



Banking And Finance




Border Security And Customs



Health Care




Online gaming

Online Gaming


Retail And E-commerce

age restricted

Age-restricted Commerce



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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia.

Contact Us Now

Contact us to explore further details about our dependable offering, which delivers efficient and seamless KYC verification and AML screening capabilities, enabling you to proactively mitigate fraud risks and avoid regulatory penalties.

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